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Retailtech lab

RetailTech Lab in Lyngby

RetailTech Lab was opened in Lyngby Storcenter in June 2020. RetailTech Lab’s focus is to exhibit solutions that can help the retail industry become more digital. Here, ZoneOffer fits in well, as our mission is precisely to combine the physical store with an online/digital presence.

Whos behind

It is Lyngby-Taarbæk Vidensby – or “just” Vidensbyen – that is behind the RetailTech Lab project. The city of knowledge has existed for more than 8 years, and has now recently changed its name to Science City Lyngby. This has been done to increase the focus on making Lyngby-Taarbæk not just one of Denmark’s leading knowledge cities, but rather one of Europe’s leading knowledge and university cities, where there is a broad collaboration between education, development, the business world and entrepreneurs. You can read more about this large project here .

Known partners

RetailTech Lab has allied itself with a number of well-known partners to make the project viable. Danske Bank, Microsoft, Dansk Erhverv and DTU are thus just some of the large companies/organisations that support the project. In this connection, together with RetailTech Lab, Danske Bank has established a partnership award which will be given later this year to a retail store and a startup which, through RetailTech Lab, has done something unique to influence the technological development within the retail industry.

Housewarming in mid-August

On 12 August 2020, RetailTech Lab invites you to a housewarming for the city’s retailers. Here, coffee and morning bread will be offered and Kim and Anders will talk about what it’s all about. It is from 08:00 to 10:00 in Lyngby Storcenter on the 1st floor. Remember to register, which you can do here .

Participation is of course completely free.

Challenges for the retail industry

At ZoneOffer, we agree with RetailTech Lab’s premise that the retail industry needs to think more digitally. A larger and larger proportion of Danes’ consumption takes place through online stores, and therefore the retail industry needs to think new ways. At ZoneOffer, we believe that the optimal approach is a combination of a physical as well as an online presence, and this is precisely what our product supports.

Visit ZoneOffer at Retailtech Lab

If you happen to pass by Lyngby Storcenter, come up to the 1st floor and visit us in the RetailTech Lab. In addition to ZoneOffer, there are also a number of other exciting projects that are worth looking at.


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