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Brugsen - Denmark's new local chain


As part of a major organizational change, Coop has decided to close down the old chains Dagli’brugsen, Irma, Kvickly and Superbrugsen. Irma, Kvickly and Superbrugsen will continue in a new chain which will be called Coop, and Dagli’brugsen will become the new Brugsen. After this, Coop has three large nationwide chains. Brugsen, Coop and 365discountdiscount.

Brugsen will be the new local grocer

Coop states that the reason for the change is that it has become too expensive to maintain so many brands. The new Brugsen name is to make it simpler, and because many Daglibrugsen stores are already called Brugsen anyway.

Where can I find Brugsen?

Brugsen has not yet become an independent chain, but we will continuously keep you updated here on the page. The starting point is that the vast majority of current Dagli’brugsen stores will continue as a Brugsen store in the future.

You can find an overview of all Dagli’brugsen stores via this link .

Which stores does Coop have when the merger is completed?

When the merger and change have been completed, the Coop organization will have the following physical chains:

Brugsen (formerly known as Dagli’Brugsen).



Stay updated on when the new Brugsen stores open

On this page, we will continuously update our database with the new Brugsen stores as they open.


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