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Black Friday

Black Friday deals

Black Friday offers are something that Danes have become more and more interested in over the years, and this year too it is expected that there will be lots of good Black Friday offers that Danes can choose from.

What is ZoneOffer?

ZoneOffer is your new mobile shopping agent, and our mission is to give you the right offers, at the right time and place. The thinking behind our app is that we want to make it possible for the stores to reach you with personal offers when relevant.

Therefore, in connection with the biggest shopping day of the year, we will continuously update you with the very best offers. That way, you can easily get access to the many Black Friday offers that the stores advertise with in November.

Black Friday deals through ZoneOffer

It differs from year to year as to how early the stores publish their Black Friday offers, but with the ZoneOffer app you get a helping hand that alerts you when you are close to a good Black Friday offer. If you already have a list of stores where you go and wait for Black Friday offers from, please tell us about it. In this way, you help to ensure that exactly the Black Friday offer you are looking for is prioritized.

Do I have to pay for it?

As a consumer, you never have to pay for ZoneOffer. ZoneOffer delivers various Black Friday offers to you for free through the app. All you have to do is download our app for either your iPhone or Android phone. You will then be notified as soon as we find a Black Friday offer that you are interested in.


Black Friday deals – how do I get access?

The important thing is to download our app for either your iPhone or Android phone. The log-in process is done easily via e.g. your Facebook profile, and then you are basically ready to receive notifications about Black Friday offers.


Can I opt in and out of the offers myself?

The basic idea with ZoneOffer is that you as a user should be able to select and deselect the stores or types of offers you are interested in. This also applies to Black Friday offers. As a starting point, the app is set so that you receive all offers from all stores, and this also applies to Black Friday offers. If there are certain types of offers or stores you are not interested in, you simply deselect them.

Black Friday deals – the story behind them

The idea of Black Friday offers comes from the United States, and has its beginnings as far back as 1952. The day always falls on the day after Thanksgiving Day, and the day represents the start of Christmas sales. That is why for many years the stores have enticed with good Black Friday offers in order to get hold of customers as early as possible.

Black Friday in Denmark

In Denmark, we have by no means such a long tradition of Black Friday offers as they have in the USA. In Denmark, it is only in recent years that the phenomenon of Black Friday offers has become widely known, and the background for this is that the idea of delivering Black Friday offers to Danes first started in 2013.

More about the story behind

If you want to know more about Black Friday deals and how it all started, we highly recommend looking more here . If, on the other hand, you are “only” interested in getting as good an overview of Black Friday offers as possible, we encourage you to download our app as soon as possible!

Contact us

We believe that you get better from both praise and praise. Therefore, please write to us if there is something you think we do well and/or if there is something you think we can do better. If you have seen a Black Friday offer that is worth passing on, we would also love to hear from you.


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