This fifth edition of shipping law handbook provides a comprehensive collection of all the source materials most commonly referred to by those involved in shipping litigation or arbitration whether as ship owners lawyers arbitrators claims handlers or insurers. The book examines international conventions with lists of current parties statutes and statutory instruments arbitration rules charter parties bills of lading insurance clauses and other standard contracts. It also covers the following areas: arrest jurisdiction applicable law arbitration limitation of liability cargo claims collision marine insurance oil pollution salvage towage general average and standard forms. The fifth edition has been fully updated to include: lmaa intermediate claims procedure 2009 * lmaa baltic exchange mediation terms 2009 * regulation 593 2008 on the law applicable to contractual regulations rome i * regulation 864 2007 on the law applicable to non-contractual obligation the shipping law handbook brings together all essential source material for anyone involved in shipping disputes. This book provides a comprehensive collection of international conventions statutes and statutory instruments arbitration rules and the most commonly encountered bills of lading charterparties insuranceclauses guarantees and other contracts. The handbook is a highly practical and essential work for shipping lawyers arbitrators p&i clubs and their correspondents ship owners ship managers agents and brokers. An...