Wilson & Wilson S Comprehensive Analytic Analysis And Detection By Capillary Electrophoresis Volume 45 Book 45 Hardcover only $ 202.00 - ZoneOffer
Wilson & Wilson S Comprehensive Analytic Analysis And Detection By Capillary Electrophoresis Volume 45 Book 45 Hardcover

Wilson & Wilson S Comprehensive Analytic Analysis And Detection By Capillary Electrophoresis Volume 45 Book 45 Hardcover

$ 202.00
$ 457.05
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Capillary electrophoresis ce is a powerful analytical technique used to separate compounds and is increasingly being used in routine analytical laboratories. Analysis and detection by capillary electrophoresis presents developments enabling the enhancement of the detection sensitivity in ce including the different strategies used to achieve sensitivity requirements. It describes techniques allowing sample preconcentration and sensitive continuous detection systems and looks at recent developments such as chiral analysis in ce and electrochemical detection in microchips. Uv-vis absorbance detection as the most widely used detection system in ce is also presented. Analysis and detection by capillary electrophoresis delves into the practical approaches used in the field and will greatly benefit analytical chemists as well as students teachers technical analysts scientists and researchers involved in capillary electrophoresis.
Brand: Elsevier Science
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