Nicorette gum or lozenge only Kr. 239,00
Nicorette gum or lozenge

Nicorette gum or lozenge

Kr. 239,00
Expires Friday 2nd August at 23:59

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Product Information

Nicorette gum or lozenge
Nicorette used to beh. Of tobacco addiction gn. Relief of nicotine cravings past, the laws withdrawal symptoms.
Rec. Use max. 6-12 Men. Must not used by hypersensitivity opposite ingredients. Should used
With caution of people with diabetes, dentures gum . Nicotine doses, as one
Adult smoking condone, can give poisoning symptoms or be lethal with small children.
Gum used with caution of people with dentures. Should not used of pregnant
Nursing without doctor rec. Or to children u. 18 Year. Side effects: hives, swelling of face, tuge
Or throat, difficulty breathing, difficulty with to swallowing, nausea, soreness past, the laws irritation in mouth throat
Or tongue, changes in taste, cold, heat, tingling, prickling feeling in skin,
Fatigue, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, cough, hiccup. Dè most occur in during of dè first 3-4
Weeks of treatment. Mundsår can occur after rygeophøret. Dizziness, headache, søvn-
Løshed, anger, anxiety past, the laws restlessness can due rygeophøret. Dè first days can user get cough
Past, the laws irritation in oral cavity past, the laws throat. Frequency past, the laws difficulty blades of by continue use.
Nicorette quickmist & quickmist cool berry oromucosal spray. Solution where 0,07 ml contains 1 mg
Nicotine. Dosage: there can used up to 4 puff in hours. Use not more than 2 puff per. Dosage past, the laws max.
64 Puff 4 puff in hours in during of 16 hours dgl. Packings: 1 past, the laws 2 dispenser e a 13,2 ml 150 puff...
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