Please attention on to there can occur further delivery on this product. Iodine is one paramount mineral as contribute to to maintain energy metabolism, production of skjoldbruskkirtelhormoner, thyroid function, it cognitive function, the nervous system function past, the laws preservation of your skin. Registered daily dose: 1 tablet storage: stored dry past, the laws out of reach lining children. Caution: should only after agreement with doctor or healthcare used of pregnant or children under 1 year. Stored without lining children reach. Supplements should not replaced of normal varied diet. Contains: potassium iodide, bulking agents maltodextrin*, microcrystalline cellulose , coatings silicon oxide, stearic acid, magnesium salts of fatty acids vegetable , glycerol . *Corn, contains not gluten. Contents per. Daily dose: iodine
225 Mcg
150 %Nb we is registered with food administration. Click here lining to see food registration.Nb: there can occur jodpletter on tablets, because berthelsen natural products have selected not to use unnecessary coating past, the laws artificial color. Stains varies seedli batch to batch, when what is it natural color in iodine raw material, there gives stains.