Cover to hammock hammock need not only to be to sunbathing past, the laws relaxation. With one cover can you also use hammock to accommodation in what free, without to be nervous lining about there had to come one little downpour past. Manufactured in uv protecting nylon material water column on 2000 mm fastgøringsmateriale included versatile in use adventure winger tarp is exactly customized to dimensions of amazon microlight hammocks. With its variable pages protects it hammock throughout road around meet wind past, the laws rain. Hammock can thus used as outdoor bed himself in poorly weather two additional ophængsudtræk on each side of rain cover gives additional seat under tarpaulin. Therefore is what both suitable as regntag to many hammocks past, the laws as cover on campsite. Cover can also used as one open alternative to one tent. Fastgørelsesmaterialer included, together with y tent pegs past, the laws one adjustable carabiner. Waterproof past, the laws pakkevenligt what smart cover is manufactured in one unusual robust, uv protecting nylon material. What fills minimal, fool what is packed together, past, the laws is therefore easy to have with in backpack past, the laws on trip. Maintenance cover can dried of with one vad cloth past, the laws then hang dry. What withstands not one trip in dryer.
Brand: Amazonas
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