Track weather activities with one digital weather station. Bowl you take one raincoat on or take it with freezer what, past, the laws bowl you be attention on black ice becomes what extremely hot, past, the laws you bowl give children additional water weather can be one fascinating phenomenon past, the laws have large influence on our everyday. This ws-1150 is one digital weather station, where you receiver avenue dè measurements, you have use lining: temperature both in past, the laws out , luftfugtighedsniveauet inside, it lowest past, the laws highest malts temperature past, the laws humidity, moon phase past, the laws weather forecast. In addition, have we equipment this weather station with watch, perpetual calendar past, the laws alarm alarm function . One much fully equipment past, the laws complete product you receiver this weather station including one wireless outdoor sensor. Avenue data on outdoor temperature past, the laws humidity is therefore current past, the laws accurate. Wireless past, the laws digital, sa easy to install no cables past, the laws foreseeable to read. Suitable to table and tableware wall mount, sa you can place device, where you will. Equipment with perpetual calendar past, the laws alarm. You can use device as alarm clock past, the laws wake up well informed with date, time past, the laws forecast on one moment. It best made to paint local vejrinformation exactly past, the laws trustworthy, because national predictions often assume situa...
Brand: Alecto