Lean you back past, the laws lax of, fool you slams feet up on this elegant ottoman with storage. Abn cover lining to find one great, hidden storage room to storage of additional blankets, remote controls, magazines past, the laws andré things. Fool you have guests, can you use it comfortable past, the laws foam-filled ottoman as one additional seating. It can even used as one coffee table, fool one faces cover about this ottoman with storage is easy to clean past, the laws maintain, while with to it retains his luxurious appearance thanks be what mock suede. Træstellet makes it robust, durable past, the laws hardwearing. Color: brunmateriale: 40 - past, the laws poplar upholstery in imitation ruskindproduktmål: 87,5 x 36 x 40 cm l x b x h storage compartments goals: 79,5 x 28,5 x 28 cm b x d x h ideal to use as footstool or as additional siddepladskan also used as one coffee table, fool cover is reversed omstof: polyester: 100%
Shipping Cost: 69,00 kr.