Fotostudiesættet consists of one photography softbox light past, the laws backgrounds to photography past, the laws will be ideally to photography in study or on location. Baggrundssættet consists of five bagtæpper past, the laws one folding, adjustable frame, there can packed down in it practical carrying case to shoots on location. System have one maximum width on 300 cm past, the laws can combined with one of our many bagtæpper in different colors. What flexible bagtæppesystem is easy to put up past, the laws can used to portraits, advertising photography or product photography. Studielyset is perfect to digital past, the laws analog product and portrait photography. With one color temperature lining daylight on 5500 k, gives our studielys first class great, detailed past, the laws natural color. What excellent white light rails as one ball of light past, the laws gives great fotometriske values. Thanks be its cool light source is there no heat in study. What is perfect to apply by portrætfelter lining to give different lighting effects past, the laws backlighting and to use by produktfelt as hovedbelysning. Trefoden have 1 4 empty standardtråd to analog past, the laws digital cameras. Rack can also used as tripod or stands. Lampesæt:material: fabric aluminum frame daylight lamp 24 watts per. Lamp 100 watts konventionelttrefodsstativet height: 78 cm to max 230 cmkabellængde: 2,9 mintegreret skærmholderlampe: 220 v
50 60 Hze27 lampefatningintegreret skærmholderlampens ...
Shipping Cost: 69,00 kr.