Beer Pong Boldtennis Balls With Red Cups only Kr. 60,00
Beer Pong Boldtennis Balls With Red Cups

Beer Pong Boldtennis Balls With Red Cups

Kr. 60,00
Kr. 120,00
Bents Webshop
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Product Information

Beer pong game with red cups
Drinking games to festive moments
Introduces what familiar beer pong game with red cups, what ultimate drinking games to festive moments with friends past, the laws family. This set contains 15 balls past, the laws 22 red cups with one capacity on 550 ml each.
Cupboard celebration past, the laws fun:
Beer pong is one of dè most popular drinking games, there creates celebration past, the laws fun to any apartment. Whatever about what is one celebration, one gathering or one relaxed evening home, is beer pong game one guaranteed source to entertainment.
Everything, what you need:
This complete beer pong set contains everything, what you need lining to come in time. Dè red cups past, the laws balls is ready to use, sa you can begin to play with what same.
Challenge your friends:
Invite the your friends to one exciting beer pong tournament past, the laws challenge them in skudfærdigheder past, the laws precision. See, who there can get the balls to to countries in opposing cups past, the laws win game.
Perfect to celebrations past, the laws gatherings:
Beer pong game is perfect to celebrations, gatherings, birthdays, past, the laws any apartment, where people wishes to have what fun past, the laws relax of with one drink in hand.
Quality past, the laws durability:
Our red cups past, the laws balls is made of materials of high quality, there ensures sustained fun past, the laws entertainment.
Set time in party:
Book your beer pong game with red cu...
Shipping Cost: 39,00 kr.
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