Vitayummy Vitamin D3 Supplements 60 Paragraph only Kr. 159,95
Vitayummy Vitamin D3 Supplements 60 Paragraph

Vitayummy Vitamin D3 Supplements 60 Paragraph

Kr. 159,95
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Product Information

Vitayummy d3 contains now 30 g vitamin d3, spread on 2 vitamin jelly beans. Vitayummy d3 can still used of both children past, the laws adults, past, the laws contains vitamin d3 recovered seedli plants.Vitamin d, in popularly also known as solskinvitaminet, contribute to:- the immune system normal function - one usually calcium content in blood - to maintain normal bones, teeth past, the laws normal muscle function.It good taste coming seedli raspberries past, the laws it great natural color coming seedli carrot past, the laws blackcurrant.Vitayummy d3 is vegan past, the laws free lining artificial color-, taste and sweeteners.Especially in one country as denmark, where we not have sa many hours of sunshine, can what be one benefit to supplement his diet with d vitamins. Food administration recommends, to avenue adults past, the laws children seedli 4 year daily occupy 5-10 g d vitamin in winter season october to april .Number vitamin jelly beans per bin: 60 paragraph.Dose past, the laws anvendelseanbefalet daily dose: children seedli 3 year: 1 vitamin vingummivoksne seedli 11 year: 2 vitamin vingummierindeholder nutrient content näringsinnehåll nutrition sinn team per. Daily dose dos 1 paragraph. %Ri dri* vitamin d g 15 300% *reference intakes daily referensintag referanseinntak.Adults vuxna past, the laws och children child seedli fran 11 year: 2 bears bjornar.Nutrient content näringsinnehåll nutrition sinn team per. Daily dose dos 2 paragraph. %Ri dri* vitamin d g 30 ...
Brand: VitaYummy
Size: 60 stk
Shipping Cost: 29,00 kr.
Delivery Time: 1 dag
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