Magnesium objectivesto is one fruit acid
Magnesium salt of malic acid, ie. One organic bound magnesiumkilde. Magnesium reduces fatigue past, the laws exhaustion and contribute to maintenance of normal muscle function. In addition, contribute magnesium to elktrolytbalancen past, the laws to the nervous system normal function past, the laws to one usually energy metabolism.Dispenseringsformkapsler.Dose past, the laws anvendelseanbefalet daily dose: 3 capsules daily in connection with one meal or one glass water.Lining best digestibility recommended what to take one capsule to morning meal, one to evening meal past, the laws one before bedtime with one glass water.Registered daily dose should not exceeded.Indeholdernæringsindhold per. Daily dosispr. 3 Kaps.% Rimagnesium, magnesiummalat233 mg62vitamin b6, pyridoxinhydrochlorid10 mg714vitamin b12, cyanocobalamin25 mikg1000vitamin d3, colecalciferol10 mikg200fransk maritime fyrrebak extract pinus pinaster aiton.30 Mg long pepper extract piper londum l. 12 Mg black pepper extract piper nigrum l. 10 Mg ri referencindtag
Ri % not down.Ingredients: magnesiummalat, capsule material hydroxypropyl , bulking agent microcrystalline cellulose , french maritime fyrrebak, pinus pinaster aiton , cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, long pepper extract piper longum l. , Black pepper extract piper nigrum l. , Glazing agent magnesium salts of fatty acids , anti-caking agent silica , cholecalciferol.Opbevaringbør stored without lining s...
Brand: New Nordic