Concrete living cave biofireplace - mocca

Concrete living cave biofireplace - mocca

Kr. 15.950,00
The offer expires Monday 20th May at 23:59
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Product Information
With it great wall mounted cave bio-fireplace in silkebeton father one market beautiful finish. Submission developed past, the laws produced in denmark gives what tough material than not before seen soft side. One unique soft touch past, the laws natural shades gives together with cave the fireplace organic design one great beautiful design element to any decor. Concrete living is dè leading in denmark fool what is interior in concrete. Bio fireplace running on bio ethanol as can buges indoor quite without chimney past, the laws other ventilation. With it easy flame control can one quickly set where much or a little time in it there bowl be. The firebox is of course, eu approved past, the laws performed in solid stainless steel.Concrete living biofireplace cavevæghængt biopejs3liters firebox match to about 12-14 hours burning bio ethanol not included hand cast past, the laws produced in denmark
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