Nicotinell Fruit 2 Mg 204 Paragraph Medical Gum only Kr. 217,95
Nicotinell Fruit 2 Mg 204 Paragraph Medical Gum

Nicotinell Fruit 2 Mg 204 Paragraph Medical Gum

Kr. 217,95
Expires Monday 30th September at 23:59

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Product Information

Nicotinell is one agent to help by smoking cessation. What help on nicotine cravings past, the laws withdrawal past, the laws gives you it nicotine, as you usually to get seedli tobacco, because gums deliver nicotine by chewing. Nicotinell used by treatment of tobacco addiction with people över 18 year there is motivated lining to stop with to smoke past, the laws there not can or not wishes to stop with to smoke, but as wishes to reduce smoking. Nicotinell should not given to children under 18 year without doctor officer. In gaskets with medicine available one patient instructions, as you always should read carefully, before you takes medicine. If you is in doubt, about you must use medicine, should you contact own doctor. Dosage it recommended dose is: dose should selected out seedli your nicotine dependence. 4 Mg medical gum is calculated to application, if you is strong nicotine dependent past, the laws to you, as earlier not have had luck to to stop by help of 2 mg medical gum. In andré case bowl 2 mg gum used. It optimal doseringsform selected out seedli following: low to moderate dependence less than 20 cigarettes about day : treatment with 2 mg gum. Moderate to strong dependence 20-30 cigarettes about day : treatment with either 2 mg gum or 4 mg gum. Strong to much strong dependence more than 30 cigarettes about day : treatment with 4 mg gum. If there occurs side effects by use of 4 mg gum should 2 mg gum instead considered. Starting dose be based on your nicotine ...
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